How does Core64 work?

The initial idea I started with was to have something which would show the state of the cores. LEDs was a simple answer, and at the simplest level, the LEDs just show what the state of the core is.

When you introduce an external magnet, things get intersting. I thought that I could use the magnet to force a change to the polarity of the core, and thereby selectively set it as a "one" or a "zero." But that is not what is happening. Instead, the presence of an external magnetic field blocks the reading of a core by not allowing the core to change state during the read cycle. Since it can't change state, there is no sense wire signal, and the firmware logic interprets the read as "it didn't change state so it must have already been polarized the same as the polarization of the write attempt."

I need to fill this in with fun stuff. Stay tuned.

Details about the cores, and how core memory works.

Details about the wiring grid.

Details about the drive circuitry and current choice.

Last updated