Stylus Assembly
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The stylus assembly is easy - be careful seperating the two boards. It is easy to accidentally break the stylus clip arm or the long thin strips that make up one half of the stylus. Don't let the little magnets get away from you either.
Seperate the two halves of the stylus.
Slide the two stylus halves into each other held at 90° to each other.
Place the magnets into the small opening at the tip. In some versions of the stylus (V0.3 RED) you may have to gently tap the magnets into the opening because the fit is tight.
Align the two halves of the stylus (hold with tape) and solder them together at the square pads which are adjacent to each other. You can skip every other set, and solder as much as you want, or a bare minimum to keep the assembly rigid and prevent the magnets from escaping.
File or sand away the sharp edges.
Take extra care to sand/polish the tip of the stylus so there are no sharp edges that will scratch up the screen protector.
The final assembly looks like this:
If you think the magnet strength is too weak you can carefully sand away more material at the tip so the magnet will be closer to the cores.